
Earn more
on your crypto

Earn up to 6% APY on your crypto with yield generating assets. Automatic, flexible, on-chain rewards delivered daily to your wallet.

percent-arrow Earn up to 6%
APY yield
percent-arrow Receive daily
interest payouts
percent-arrow Deposit or redeem
at any time
percent-arrow Assets securely
stored and fully backed

Make your crypto earn for you.

Yield generating tokens issued by Ultra Capital abstract the process of lending money to CeFi and DeFi platforms. By working with multiple trusted services, we are able to access higher APY rates available on the market and reduce fees.

Up to 6% APY interest
We provide some of the best APY rates available on the market today. The interest rewards are sent daily and are verifiable on-chain. Also your tokens are never locked, so jump in and earn with just a few dollars knowing you can convert back at any time.
Tokens 100% backed
Every yield generating token you receive is backed 1:1 by deposited native crypto tokens. The issuance of new tokens happens on-chain when you deposit the native crypto. When you redeem your tokens, they are burned. It is recorded on the Stellar network and can be verified.
Flexible and liquid
Since the tokens are issued on Stellar, they are fully liquid. You can use them as you’d like — hold and earn, trade or send them. There are no deposit fees. As for withdrawals, we only charge the network fee to deliver tokens to your off-chain address.

Our tokens and reward rates

Choose your crypto and start earning daily interest today.

Rates may increase or decrease in the future. The change will be communicated in advance.

btc Lumen

3% APY

with yXLM asset
btc USD Coin

6% APY

with yUSDC asset
btc Bitcoin

2.5% APY

with yBTC asset
btc Ether

3.5% APY

with yETH asset

How to get started

Start earning rewards on your crypto in just a few minutes. See our guide if you have any questions.

Select an asset
Select a crypto asset you would like to earn interest on. Add a trustline to the corresponding yield generating token in your wallet. Navigate to the dedicated asset website for more details.
Convert your crypto
To convert without leaving your wallet, look out for the Deposit button next to your asset. You can also start the conversion from the dedicated asset website. Follow the instructions provided by Ultra Capital to deposit your native crypto.
Start earning instantly
Once we receive your crypto, we will send the tokens to your wallet shortly. Once they are in, you’re all set! Now you’re earning daily interest — expect your first reward on the next day.
Have further questions or need support?
The Ultra Capital team is always here to help. Read through the FAQ below and reach out at support@ultracapital.xyz in case of any questions. We’ll be in touch shortly.
Frequently asked questions.
How often is interest paid?
The interest is paid daily. The amount is based on the current APY rates and the number of yield generating tokens in your account at the time. The interest is compounding, meaning that earned tokens will also generate additional yield.
How is the revenue generated?
Ultra Capital acts as an asset manager and works with multiple trusted CeFi/DeFi protocols to generate yield on the funds in custody. A thorough due diligence process takes place before a decision is made to utilise a specific platform. This is an ongoing process, and Ultra Capital will continue to monitor platforms providing high APY. However, we only work with companies/protocols with over $1B of AUM and having a clear history of at least a year of production operations.
Further on, we will continue to investigate other options for revenue generation, including providing loans. Any changes to the model of revenue generation will be communicated in advance on our social media channels and on the website.
What are the risks?
Cryptocurrency assets are subject to high market risks and volatility. Please refer to this page explaining the risks of holding yield generating tokens issued by Ultra Capital.
Can yield generating tokens provide better APY rates than other CeFi/DeFi providers?
Sure, we partner with multiple providers, and are always evaluating the market conditions.
Even though Ultra Capital takes a small fee for management of the funds, there's a chance that yUSDC and other yield generating tokens will provide better returns and higher effective APY than using the same CeFi/DeFi provider directly. The additional savings are possible because we can often reduce fees (network, deposit, withdraw) when operating with larger amounts.
Is there a way to increase payouts?
Not yet. Visit aqua.network to learn more and stay tuned for further updates!
How can I do a 1:1 conversion between and in my Stellar wallet?
Please follow this link to find guides for every supported Stellar wallet.
Have further questions or need support?
Please email us at support@ultracapital.xyz and we will be in touch with you shortly.
Start earning up to 6% interest on your crypto today!
Convert your native tokens to yield generating assets and receive daily interest in your Stellar wallet.

Wallet ecosystem

Don’t have a Stellar account yet?
Сhoose any of these apps to store your assets and receive daily rewards.


Fast and free decentralized exchange with global fiat gateways. With StellarX you can interact with the decentralized marketplace of the Stellar network.


LOBSTR is a great way to get started with Stellar. Simple, smooth and secure, it has all what it takes to manage your Lumens wisely.


StellarTerm is an open source client for the Stellar network. Send, receive, and trade assets on the Stellar network easily with StellarTerm.

Beans App

Non-custodial wallet built for people that not necessarily know about blockchain.